piya albela
We can expect new President Obama to lift the absurd ban on Cuba, or at least make the attempt through Congress. He will surely allow Americans to fly to that abused island and bring some relief from the oppressive communist regime. The island "celebrated" 50 years of Fidel's take over without fanfare from the bulk of the population. Their economic and political conditions have remained fixed in time during that half century as if a gigantic time machine had remained stuck in 1959. While nobody in Cuba dies of hunger and almost everybody can read and write (their literacy rate is among the highest in the world), one can readily ask "what for?" There is no freedom of any kind except to laud the virtues of the great leader, or, as it is called in another dictatorship, our Beloved Great Leader (North Korea). Cuba and North Korea are two examples of massive brainwashing, although much more so in China's neighbor. Cuba has the "luck" of having the Uni...